Dead Poets Society Vs Sonnet

Words: 655
Pages: 3

Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare is a poem focused on the idea of falling in love. Although a less evident topic, love is depicted in The Dead Poets Society, especially portrayed by Knox Overstreet. Both Sonnet 18 and Knox Overstreet can compare in the idea that they are professing their love to their beloveds. In The Dead Poets Society, the main love interest for Knox Overstreet is Chris, while in Sonnet 18, the love interest is not specified. Both Sonnet 18 and Knox Overstreet’s theme of love, their tone of love and infatuation and how it progresses into a more serious tone, and the point of view of both the sonnet and the point of view in Knox’s scenes in the movie, all can compare to each other. Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare is a version