Death Penalty Essay

Submitted By rnajera2
Words: 321
Pages: 2

Death Penalty There are many controversial topics in the country we live in, which is The United States of America. I’d like to focus on the Death Penalty. Many people think it’s a right thing to. I personally think otherwise. I think it’s a waste of money, doesn’t bring in the justice that the victim deserves as well as the victim’s family, and it plays a role that doesn’t correspond to us. By having the Death Penalty we are wasting much more money than by having an inmate in prison for life. It’s more expensive to execute someone by the Death Penalty rather than to have life in prison. For each state it is different but it is 10 million dollars and up yearly. That’s a waste of tax payers’ money because that is how the death penalty is paid for. Many families of the victims actually prefer not having the Death Penalty, because they believe it doesn’t serve the victim the justice they deserve. They also come to find forgiveness towards the murderer, and that helps them go on with their life’s better. By having the Death Penalty, society is deciding to take on a role that doesn’t belong to us. The role they are deciding to take is gods not ours and it also morally incorrect. It is showing us no better than what the criminal did. They’re making them take an easy way out rather than to think and pay each day for what they did. I think the Death Penalty is unnecessary, a waste of money, and morally incorrect. It is showing us that they rather eliminate the