Declaration Of Independence Comparison

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Pages: 3

Comparison Paper The Declaration of Independence was drafted to give this nation the backbone of which to grow and give us power to run this nation as we deem fit and not by the hand of Great Britain. Thomas Jefferson believed that “God, not government, gave us life and liberty.” After his election into Office in 1801, he was sent a letter from the Danbury Baptist concerned about the government’s ability to control religion. He wrote back with a promise for separation of church and state. This letter, along with the Declaration of Independence, outlined guidelines for our nation as a whole and later established The Constitution of the United States, our governing guidebook for this nation.
“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities,
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The hands of a King whom believed had power over all, no matter their authority level. Thomas Jefferson was a Godly man; he believed that it is necessary to build a nation on religion. So he set forth statutes for this nation using Gods Word as guidance, “Where there is no counsel, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety,” telling us that without order, there will be only chaos. With this, he deemed this nation as “Free and Independent States” and that it would be free from any and “all allegiance to the Britain Crown.” It was drafted to keep the government in balance and ensure the government could not gain more power than needed as The Crown had. It states that if one branch of government gained more power than they should, the other branches of government have the ability to overthrow it. Though Jefferson believed there should be religion and government, he firmly believed that there should be a separation of church and state. His letter to the Danbury Baptist made this inherently clear. It stated, “"I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should “make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” thus building a wall of separation between Church & State, " ensuring the people of this nation, that even though he believed a nation needs religion and a government to function, the government should not have the ability to interfere with peoples religious rights. The Declaration of Independence was a severer of ties, a “birth certificate” , an outline and a draft for the Constitution of the United