Declaration Of Independence Dbq

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Pages: 4

The Declaration of Independence is arguably the most important document on earth due to its effect not just on the U.S. but to the entire world. It was a list of grievances the colonists sent to the king of England explaining why they should be freed from his rule. The writer of the Declaration of Independence was Thomas Jefferson who was 33 years old at the time. The document shows America’s ideals and the vision of what we are. The document was approved by Congress on July 4, 1776 and that is when we celebrate our independence from Great Britain. There are many ideals addressed in the Declaration of Independence. Natural rights, the consent of the governed, and the right to alter or abolish the government are a few of the ideals contained …show more content…
“The term implies that the people of a country or a territory...consent in a [vote] or through elected representatives, to establish their own government” (Doc C). The government’s power should be granted by the people and for the people. Consent of the governed is one of the basic and founding principles of democracy. This is a privilege that many other countries are not fortunate enough to have. It is important because citizens should have a voice in what the government is going to do and choose who serves in the government. The consent of the governed gives people the right to have their say in the affairs of the government and allows the people to control the power in which the government …show more content…
All of these rights are given by our Creator and all people are entitled to them. The first right is life. When talking about life Andrew Sullivan states, “I believe in treasuring it as a mystery...that should never be destroyed” (Doc. B). Life is an essential right and should be cherished and never taken away from anyone. The second right included is liberty. Sullivan also mentions this inalienable right saying, “I believe that within every soul lies the [ability] to to reach for its own good” (Doc. B). Liberty is the state of being free and having independence. Our country was founded because people wanted to be free from Britain and people should still be able to experience that same type of freedom today. When talking about the pursuit of happiness Sullivan mentions, “I believe in the journey, not the arrival” (Doc. B). This ideal is about building a life of your own and pursuing your dreams, which is what America is all