Definition Essay On Cyberbullying

Words: 1129
Pages: 5

According to the Merriam Webster dictionary definition, “cyberbullying is the anonymous electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about someone.” (Cyberbullying - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary). A more accurate definition is that cyberbullying is a type of bullying that uses electronic technology. Electronic technology includes devices such as cell phones and computers. They are both forms of communication. Forms of communication include social media websites and text messages. Cyberbullying is any form of behavior that occurs via electric technology that makes a person feel tormented, threatened, harassed, or embarrassed.
There are many different types of cyberbullying. Texting someone cruel and hurtful messages from your phone or someone else’s, posting rumors online about someone else, pretending to be someone else on a fake account on social media, and sending provocative pictures of someone else around via cell phone or computer. Teens particularly are the most vulnerable when it comes to cyberbullying. They take part in text wars or text attacks, which occur when bullies gang up on the victim and send
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Her parents had grounded her, she became suspended from the next school year for a week, and she was not allowed to be a student advisor at her school. She felt like that one mistake had ruined her life. She wrote in her journal “I’m done for sure now. I can feel it in my stomach. I’m going to try and strangle myself. I hope it works.” Later that night, Hope’s mother walked into Hope’s room to kiss her goodnight. Her head was hanging down. Her mother asked her what she was doing, before realizing there was a scarf around her neck. Hope had knotted one end of a pink scarf around the canopy of her bed and the other around her neck. She was then, rushed by ambulance to the nearest hospital, where she was pronounced dead. (‘Sexting’ bullying cited in teen girl’s suicide - today >