Definition Essay On Success

Words: 553
Pages: 3

What exactly is it that determines a successful person? Is it wealth, fame, or maybe having a great career? This question is very subjective and there are many different opinions out there on what makes someone a success, but I believe that in essence success is being able to look back on one's life without regret. To be happy with what one does and accept what one has done, the good and the bad. Success isn’t really about money or fame seeing as most of those people tend to neglect family and other things in life and devote it all to becoming more famous or more wealthy and no one can take wealth or fame with them in the end. Sure having a great career and enjoying what one does for a living is great and all, but if it’s all about the …show more content…
Life isn’t about individual “wins” It is about the end game. It is about finishing strong and being happy with your life, and choices. So whether it’s in sports, academics or a job failing is not the end of the world. The road may be bumpy but that is okay it’s the end that should be in mind.
According to an article “7 Scientifically Proven Ways to Achieve Better Success in Life,” one of the ways is to “embrace a growth mindset” which is basically a positive way of looking at failure. A growth mindset doesn’t mind failing, but rather decides to make an attempt to learn from past mistakes and to keep going no matter what. This is the kind of mindset one needs to have a successful life. One that isn’t afraid of failing that is always looking to improve. Some people would probably argue and say that doing what you love and having a good career is what makes you a success. I can see where they are coming from, but they are missing the whole picture yes having a career you love is nice, but eventually the work ends and eventually you retire and then what? Well, if you focused only on a career then you probably aren’t going to have a good time. It is about looking at the bigger picture and relationships last a lifetime while jobs are only a