Essay on Definition of Rape

Submitted By ayyballin
Words: 602
Pages: 3

Avalin Ibit
When young women become the victim of rape, they become obligated to feel that they were the reason why they were attacked. The way they dressed or the way they might have seemed open could lead the rapist on, causing him or her to make an assault. According to Sexual Assault Counselor Deb Benzley and Centers for Disease Control, 1 out of every 6 women has been a victim of rape. A popular myth to most of these rapes would be that what these women were wearing would ask for trouble. Another myth was that if you are drunk, high, or flirtatious, you deserve any unwanted interaction that comes your way. What I’m troubled on is whether it’s the woman’s fault for getting abused or if she was the reason why she got attacked in the first place. Through Plato’s eyes, he saw that women were a benefit to the community; women were significant for making new children and raising them. In a way, he was an early feminist. For women to be mistreated and abused, Plato would side with the idea that the attacker is truly the evil in these situations. Women are truthfully weaker to men because of body anatomy yet that should not change the fact that men would abuse the primary function of females, which is to have sexual interactions and reproduce. Since they can be overpowered, women are the true victims in rape situations. If the victim was persuasive or appeared to be leading, then it could mean that the person was looking for a romantic relationship. Plato was interested in Platonic love, where sexual desire does not occur or is non-apparent in a relationship. There should be no reason for unwanted sexual interaction if the woman did not want it in the first place. What she was wearing or acting should not allow the man to act in a way where she’ll be offended. In women’s defense, Plato would say that it is not their fault for getting into uncomfortable situations. As opposed to Plato, Aristotle believed that women were by nature, inferior to men. He believed that females were less courageous and in a marriage, the man should control everything. He agrees with Plato that women