Delta Brainwave Patterns

Words: 390
Pages: 2

Too often the brain's operation is in discussed in binary terms: conscious or unconscious, awake or asleep, on or off. However, medical science has uncovered five dominant brainwave patterns—as measured by electroencephalography (EEG)—which the human brain assumes during different stages of development, stimulation, and consciousness.

Between 0.1 to 4 hertz, Delta brainwaves are the slowest yet deepest frequency of six dominant brainwaves measured in humans. These patterns first appear in infancy but remain crucial through adulthood adulthood, where they're primarily detected in states of deep, dreamless sleep, bodily healing, and unconscious memory formation.

Each brain is unique and hews to certain brainwave states at differing frequencies and durations. Research has shown that individuals defficient in Delta patterns have higher risks of mental and physical ailments such as narcolepsy, depression, anxiety, OCD, ADHD, schizophrenia, and Parkinson's disease. However, those with increased levels of Delta, by nature or self-induction, have reduced levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, typically live longer, and report higher levels of empathy, creativity, spirituality, and inspiration from the dream state.
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During tests conducted by Menninger Foundation, Swami Rami was purportedly able to phase through brain patterns down to Delta at will and claimed the state allowed him to commune with god, sleep only two hours a night, and helped his apprentice learn four languages in a weeks