Deming Juran Essay

Submitted By ccostello04
Words: 5469
Pages: 22

Table of Contents
TQM Origins Abstract 4
Quality in History 4
What is Quality? 5
Joseph M. Juran 6
The Juran Trilogy 6
Quality Planning 7
Quality Control 7
Quality Improvement 7
Road Map for Enterprise Quality 8
Decide 8
Prepare 8
Launch 9
Expand 9
Sustain 9
W. Edwards Deming 10
System of Profound Knowledge 10
Theory of Management Components 11
Appreciation of a System 11
Theory of Variation 12
Theory of Knowledge 13
Psychology 13
Fourteen Points for Management 13
Point One: Create Constancy of Purpose 14
Point Two: Adopt a New Philosophy 14
Point Three: Cease Dependence on Inspection 15
Point Four: End the Practice of Awarding Business on Price Alone 15
Point Five: Improve Constantly 15
Point Six: Institute Training 16
Point Seven: Institute Leadership 16
Point Eight: Drive out Fear 17
Point Nine: Break Down Barriers 17
Point 10: Eliminate Slogans, Exhortations and Targets 17
Point 11: Eliminate Numerical Quotas 18
Point 12: Remove Barriers and Promote Pride of Workmanship 18
Point 13: Institute a Culture of Vigorous Education 18
Point 14: Commitment and Action 19
The Seven Deadly Diseases 19
Lack of Constancy of Purpose 19
Emphasis on Short-term Profits 19
Evaluation of Performance 20
Mobility of Management: Job Hopping. 20
Management by Use of Visible Figures 20
Excessive Medical Costs 21
Excessive Costs of Liability 21
Summation 21
Bibliography 22

TQM Origins Abstract
Quality has been a concern for generations. Through the ages many societies have attempted to define quality. As the world progressed internal and external standards were applied to just about everything to produce a standard of quality. Following the end of the second World war two men stood out as a couple of the more important people that were able to codify quality and how to achieve and manage it. The men were Joseph M. Juran and W. Edwards Deming. Their influences were instrumental in turning the Japanese industry into one of the best in the world. However it wasn’t until late in the twentieth century that the impact of their teachings began to take hold in the United States.
Quality in History
We learned in our text that quality in ancient times had two aspects; beauty and the functional quality of engineering. This quality in art or beauty was abstract and differed for different societies. Aesthetic quality was in the eye of the beholder and wasn’t long lasting. Quality became more definable as engineering made products reproducible and allowed for the managing of the end product. Over time there was a need to bring consistency to products to ensure stability. External and internal standards brought about some of that consistency. External standards were laws, customs and regulations. Internal standards were writings and teaching passed down from generations through textbooks and guilds. Ancient times were mostly a time of maintaining and rarely improving quality. The counter forces of genius and human fallibility played a role in inhibiting quality improvement over time. “The repeatable process is the foundation of quality management and has been with us for centuries”. (Production Management: A Total Quality Management Approach n.d.) Defining quality meant understanding what people valued. Quality management allows for consistency and improvement of quality. What is quality and how do we know it when we see it?

What is Quality?
“The prominence of product quality in the public mind has resulted in quality becoming a cardinal priority for most organizations”. (Production Management: A Total Quality Management Approach n.d.) In today’s environment quality is important for manufacturing and service industries. Quality has many definitions. Merriam-Webster defines it as “how good or bad something is; a characteristic or feature that someone or something has; something that can be noticed as part of a person or thing; a high level of value or excellence.” (Merriam-Webster n.d.) It also goes on to provide a fuller