Democracy: Ancient Rome and Democracy Essay

Submitted By jefcampa
Words: 514
Pages: 3

A democratic government is fundamentally described as a government where all individuals have an equal contribution in the decision making procedures. Democracy is a type of a government in which people have the right to select their leaders and to grasp their leaders answerable for their plans and their behavior in office. The people choose who will epitomize them in the legislature, and who will head the administration at the countrywide and indigenous levels. They do so by selecting between contending parties in systematic, fair and open elections. The important role of people in a democracy is to contribute in the communal life. People have a responsibility to turn out to be conversant about public matters, to lookout prudently how their political leaders and other officials use their influences, and to direct their own views and interests. In a democracy, every inhabitant has numerous rudimentary rights that the country cannot take away from them. Democracy is an arrangement of rule by laws, not by entities. In a democracy, the rule of law defends the privileges of people, upholds order, and confines the power of government. All people are equal in the eyes of the law (Crawford, 2011).
Democracy refers to the people-power or regulation by the folks. The notion originated from the ancient Greeks who united the words ‘demos’ meaning people and ‘krates’ meaning rule to form the term. Around twenty five years ago in Ancient Greece, the individuals of the Athens advanced a technique of forming decisions that was dissimilar from the repressive techniques of the past. The city of Athens trialed with a method of government in which all people, rather than one ruler or a trivial group of well-off men, made the decrees of their country. In a democratic government, the publics' opinions impact the laws and verdicts made by the administration. The progress of democracy can be drawn back to ancient period, predominantly to ancient Greece. Athens was the city that permitted its ordinary inhabitants to access to administration offices and benches. Though Democracy has been everywhere since approximately 500 BC,