demonstrative communication Essay

Submitted By jasonfrance2010
Words: 850
Pages: 4

Demonstrative Communication
November 11, 2013
Todd A. Breton

Demonstrative Communication
Communication is the currency of society, old and new communication has been the forefront to all great societies. There are vast ways to communicate, a thought, an idea, a selling point. Communication can be verbal or nonverbal, written or unwritten, or visual or any combination of these. In today’s technology based bustlingly world, communication is key in every aspect. In today’s day and age we do not only rely on verbal communication but non-verbal as well. When we are speaking we use nonverbal communication without even thinking about it. Nonverbal communication includes eye contact, facial expressions, posture, arm and hand gestures, and even head position. When one is trying to get their point across, all means of communication is used even if one may not realize. Demonstrative communication can be used to reinforce that message. It entails “all types of communication that don’t involve the exchange of words” (Rogers & Steinfatt, 1999).

One’s posture can convey an array of different meanings. Have you ever wondered why a child slouched with their head held low will invoke another child to ask what is the matter? We are perceptive of posture even as a child. Like much of verbal language it is observed and learned at a young age, so is non-verbal. “Posture can convey a wealth of information about how a person is feeling as well as hints about personality characteristics, such as whether a person is confident, open, or submissive”(Understanding Body language, Kendra Cherry). Maintaining an erect posture conveys confidence; confidence conveys knowledge; knowledge conveys intellect. “If you ever feel nervous or awkward in a professional or personal setting, how you move and position your body can boost your confidence, as well as improve how others see you” (Business Intelligence Report, Jensen Beach Chamber of Commerce, Dec. 2012). We are constantly observing and utilizing non-verbal behaviors. We are taught in our youth never slouch while sitting or walking but as youngsters we do not understand the meaning even some adults fail to understand. Our posture reflects self and we must not portray a negative impression about ones’ personality. You do not go into an interview disheveled, slouched or avoiding eye contact as you are selling yourself. You are displaying your confidence in the most basic, oldest way possible. You do not address your fellow peer with your body turned away during conversation; as this may convey disrespect or disinterest. If you are in deep conversation with a business colleague and you notice their feet are turned towards you, this means that you have their full attention. Paying attention to cues like these can mean the difference between a successful partnership or a dissatisfied fail endeavor.

The overall appearance of the face offer information about age, sex, race, ethnicity, and even status. Cleanliness, facial hair, use, over use or absence of make up all provide even more information. Expressions can fall into two groups: intentional, unintentional and within them a subgroup of micro-expressions. Micro expressions are facial markers displayed as momentary expressions that cause changes in the forehead, eyebrows, eyelids, cheeks, nose, lips, and chin, such as raising the eyebrows, wrinkling the brow, curling the lip. They are often fleeting. Most facial expressions are readily visible, both types can