Dental Implant Persuasive Speech

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Pages: 3

A dental implant is an artificial tooth that is installed in your jawbone to replace a missing tooth. Implants may also be used to hold dentures and partial dentures in place. There are several ways to fill the gaps in your mouth from missing teeth. A fixed bridge is one such way, but installing a fixed bridge requires altering the healthy teeth on either side. Dental implants are considered the least invasive and longest lasting solution to fill gaps from missing teeth.

Some of the most common causes for replacing a tooth are fractures, gum disease, cavities, failed dental work, loose teeth, crooked teeth, swollen gums and teeth missing from birth.

According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, there are many good reasons to get
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• They need to be cleaned and cared-for just like natural teeth, but one advantage is they will never get a cavity.

There are usually three components of dental implants, including the post, abutment and restoration. The post is a screw-like titanium support that is embedded into the bone. This is the substitute for the tooth root. After a few months, the bone grows around the post just as it does with a natural tooth root. After the implant is secure, an abutment is attached to the top. This holds the crown or restoration tooth. The crown is custom made to match your natural teeth.

With digital imaging, installing implants is even easier. With 3D software, computer tomography and ceramic restoration milling machines, you can see your treatment results before you even begin the treatment. Anyone who needs a replacement tooth may be a good candidate for dental implants.

During a consultation with our specialist, you can learn about the different implant options. You may need to replace one tooth that was knocked out in a car accident or sporting event. You may want to make your dentures more secure so they do not make a clicking sound when you talk or chew. If you have a root canal that was unsuccessful, an implant may be your best solution for a replacement tooth. The number one reason to get dental implants is because they are the closest solution to natural