Depression In Australia

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Pages: 3

“Ever wonder what depression feels like? Here’s a hint: Take a pillowcase full of rocks and strap it to the top of your head. Now put on a dark pair of sunglasses — indoors. Leave those things on for about a week. Until you begin to see the world through a dark film that never gets lighter, and it takes a very conscious effort to hold your head up. That is what depression feels like on a good day” said Chonda Pierce (Pierce, 2015). Studies demonstrate that 180,000 young people in Australia are currently suffering depression, and about 10 million of teenagers (, 2015). Not only that but also the number of patients diagnosed with depression sky rockets by 20% per year (, 2015). These statistics reveal how real …show more content…
The teenage years can be immensely tough. It's perfectly normal to feel sad or down, however if these emotions become so intense or don't go away. There is a possibility that you might actually be suffering from depression. Thankfully help is available and you don't have to feel this way forever (Smith, 2015). Depression is the diagnosis when a person is experiencing a depressed mood, nearly everyday, for at minimum 2 weeks, and is feeling a loss of interest in activities they used to find pleasure in, however the onset of major depression may be preceded by weeks or month of low mood.

Depression is generally described as feelings of constant sadness and hopelessness, and this may be expressed by frequent tearfulness and broodiness. Some people also have strong and excessive feelings of worthlessness and guilt. Depression may be accompanied by irritability, low frustration tolerance, and increased anxiety (Classnotes, 2015). It develop from life events such as long term isolation, continued exposure to stress at work, personal factors such as family history, personality, drug and alcohol use, serious medical illness and more (BeyondBlue,
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If left untreated depression can have extremely serious effects and long term ones that can tear apart your life. For example suicide, the most extreme and last resort someone can take when their depression is too much to handle on their own. Contemplating and considering suicide is a serious symptom of depression, for some suicide is the only way to escape these terrible feelings. For others a long term effect can be alcohol and substance abuse. It is rare for depression symptoms to go away if untreated, to often people turn to self medicating substances. However taking these substances only increases their chance of addiction, and by combining depression with drugs and alcohol is a fateful combination and can in turn lead to suicide. Self harm; suffers often self injure and inflict pain upon themselves by methods such as burning and cutting. Most common for teens untreated depression can lead to poor academic performance, as depression diminishes the ability to remember, make decisions and concentrate. Depression leaves people drained mentally, emotionally and physically. Too often relationships suffer immensely. Someone with the mental health problem will cease to attend social events, leave their house, or talk to people, as their illness is just too unbearable. TALK