Depression Paper

Submitted By aservick1985
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Pages: 4

Depression Paper
Anishka Servick
Joan Rachmel
April 12, 2015

There are many people around the world suffering from some form of depression, and they are completely unaware that they have a condition that can be treated. Accepting the fact that there may be an underlying issue behind all the extreme highs and lows that never seem to fade away is half the battle. However, unipolar and bipolar disorders are similar yet remarkably different from most of the depression disorders. The unipolar disorder is stated to have individuals feeling no swings of extreme highs and only feeling depression. Where bipolar disorder has both extreme highs and lows of depression. Pinpointing what kind of depression one has and the differences between their form and the other forms of depression is another step to recovery. Finding the proper treatment and therapist is the last piece of the puzzle. These things may seem difficult but with time and patience one can lead a very productive life.
A unipolar disorder is a form of depression that is more common in women than in men. “As many as 26 percent of women may have an episode at some time in their lives, compared with 12 percent of men” (Comer, 2010, Chapter 7). Some theorist have stated that the underlying cause of the unipolar disorder may be due to genetics. If there is a family history of depression, children born from this bloodline have a higher risk of having the disorder. The brain’s chemical makeup may also play a role in the disease. Though psychodynamic theorist suggest that the principal cause of unipolar disorder comes from experiencing a loss. Behaviorists suggest that the decrease in rewards a person has in their lives leads to the disease. On the other hand, cognitive theorists proposed that negative thinking is the primary cause of the depression.
Moreover, the underlying causes of this disorder are not where the search ends. Knowing how to recognize the symptoms of unipolar depression is an essential component to getting the proper help that one needs. Though these symptoms may vary from person to person, depending on the seriousness of the disorder. The most noticeable symptoms of the unipolar disorder are the inability to concentrate or to be extremely indecisive. Flat emotions or being indifferent, irritability, nervousness, and anxiety are also signals to seek assistance. A person may also experience decreased energy, persistent fatigue, sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness. Although there are many more symptoms that accompany this form of depression, these are just a few to make one aware that there may be something more to the sadness they are feeling.
Unipolar symptoms can be rather difficult to handle, but there are ways to find out if a diagnosis is needed and how to treat the disorder if diagnosed. According to " “(2004-2015), "doctors will perform physical and mental evaluations to rule out other disease or illness and to be sure that there are no coincident mental disorders, like Anxiety Disorders, Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder, or Eating Disorder among others” (How is it diagnosed and treated?). Other treatments such as psychotherapy may also be helpful in most cases. Therapies such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and hospitalization will only happen in severe cases. Certain antidepressants could be prescribed if the doctor deems it necessary.
Unlike unipolar disorder, bipolar disorder consists of extreme highs and lows. "According to "” (2004-2015), "Bipolar Disorder can significantly affect a patient's ability to function, and can result in strained or broken relationships, poor job performance, and poor performance in school or group settings” (Definition of bipolar disorder). It has been stated that bipolar