Describe How Theodore Roosevelt Changed The Federal Government

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Pages: 7

Theodore Roosevelt and How He Changed the Role of the Federal Government During the existence of the United States, the country has gone through a series of different eras regarding political and economic reforms. In the 1870’s the Gilded Age began in which the United States, though it seemed like a growing and wealthy country underneath, was prominent with corruption and greed. During the presidency of Ulysses S. Grant, one of the Gilded Age presidents, the United States suffered an economic crisis because businesses were putting all their money towards the railroads causing the stock market crash and beginning a depression that lasted for many years. During the Gilded Age American Industrialists such as Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, …show more content…
Mining was carried on fundamentally as it had been carried on by the Pharaohs in the countries adjacent to the Red Sea.In Washington’s time, anthracite coal was known only as a useless black stone. It is almost impossible for us in this day to realize how little our Revolutionary ancestors knew of the great store of natural resources whose discovery and use have been such vital factors in the growth and greatness of this Nation” (Roosevelt, needed to be made and now that he had the authority along with the knowledge the president’s before him did not have he could make that change as doing so would be vital for the country. Before Roosevelt, the United States had a mentality that resources were limitless and the government was not getting involved. When Roosevelt was appointed president, a “ newly awakened sense of duty found expression in a call by the President.The action of the conference led to the appointment of the National Conservation Commission, with authority to collect information and cooperate with similar commissions appointed by the States in the great work of conserving the natural resources of the country”