Description Of IT Technician

Submitted By HKilada
Words: 559
Pages: 3

Position Details

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IT Technician I
Type:Part Time Non Benefited
Closing Date:03/21/13
Job Summary
Provide assistance and support to in-house computer users; installing, maintaining, and servicing individual PC’s; and advising and supporting the in-house training programs. Please note that the current vacancy is for a project position; however, this recruitment may lead to an eligibility list to fill any future vacancies for the same classification for up to six months. EOE
The "Ideal" Candidate
Perform a variety of professional and technically skilled tasks in the installation, maintenance, operation, and coordination of the City's computer information systems. Effective Public Relations skills. Establish and maintain effective working relationships.
Essential Functions
•Assist and coordinate a City-wide preventive maintenance program. •Develop and implement policies, procedures, and standards relating to information technology activities. •Deal with confidential information and develop security strategies for the maintenance of the computer network system. •Insure that new City facilities are appropriately equipped with all necessary computer equipment. •Produce and distribute statistical data, reports and computer printouts as necessary. •Interpret and follow technical manuals and develop, maintain, and update training guides and procedural manuals. •Oversee information technology functions, such as, electronic mail and printer sharing. •Provide assistance to departments to meet current and plan for future data processing/computer/automated information technology needs. •Maintain systems and standards for data base design, backup and recovery.•Coordinate activities to resolve program and system problems. •Conduct product research.
•Assist with selection of new hardware and software. •Operate, maintain, and repair hardware. •Install computer equipment and software, and customize installed software to the specific requirements of the user department. •Monitor "back-up" systems and file servers. •Interface with vendors and customers in a professional and courteous manner. •Monitor computer maintenance and repair contracts. •Provide assistance, recommend, and evaluate software-training courses. •Oversee, advise and support the City’s
Computer User Group.•Provide assistance to the public, City staff, and other Governmental agencies.•Provide information at the public counter, in writing, and on the telephone.
Knowledge of:
Principles and techniques of computer system programming, networking and software strategies.
Techniques and procedures pertaining to installation and maintenance of