Description: Professions And Roles For Consumers And Pediatrics

Submitted By shawnawillis69
Words: 297
Pages: 2

|# |Resource name and website |Purpose description |Resource type |Professions and roles for employer resources |Intended for consumers and|Possible use |
| |address or contact information | |Industry related, | |professionals? | |
| | | |professional resource, or | | | |
| | | |employer | | | |
| |Kids Health |Resource for researching a |Professional resource |Nurse Practitioner: A nurse practitioner is a |Yes |To learn more about a disease or |
| | |variety of health issues | |registered nurse (RN) who has additional | |illness. could use this site to |
| | | | |training in a specialty area such as family | |find information on different |
| | |Includes links to other | |practice or pediatrics and can provide regular| |condition or treatment options, |
| | |sources, articles, treatment | |health care for kids. | |and on support groups. The site |
| | |options, and other medical | |Nurse practitioners: often spend more time | |offers other resource links. |
| | |information | |with their patients; have medication | | |
| | | | |prescription-writing authority in most states;| | |
| | | | |might use the website to provide additional | | |
| | | | |medical information to research comorbidities | | |
| | | | |or medication complications. Have helped | | |
| | | | |thorough patient education with disease | | |
| | | | |prevention and the reduction of health risks. | | |
| | | | | | | |

|# |Resource name and website |Purpose description |Resource type |Professions and roles for employer resources |Intended for consumers and|Possible use |