Determination In Sophocles Antigone

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Pages: 5

“That henceforth ye may thieve with better knowledge whence lucre should be won, and learn that it is not well to love gain from every source. For thou wilt, thou find that ill-gotten pelf brings more men to ruin than to weal” -Sophocles
Antigone, by Sophocles, is a play that has many portraying themes. Whether the themes are shown by the conflicts of a character or an opinion of one. Every little detail, is a foreshadow leading up to a main idea that the author wants to convey. Just like how every other piece of literature; authors intend to express the lesson, message, or point of view from their perspective. They simply connect all the pieces of the story together, such as characters, conflict, plot, etc. In Antigone, the author simply uses his words to bring out a moral message, so readers can merely understand his perspective. With the English used back then till this day, the twenty first century; it may be hard to deeply conceive the theme,
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Even though determination could be viewed and defined differently, this is how Sophocles illustrates and conceives the word “determination.” The determination of Antigone and Creon, it is seen to be said that, without hardship, obstacle courses, and adversity there will be no success, which is clearly shown by Sophocles. It is nearly a universal trait among the characters in Antigone. With the fate and destiny in the Antigone, Creon, Ismene, and Polyneices, it is undoubted that they are all driven to accomplish their goals. From the old ages, to present day, determination is still shown and recognized in many ways, whether shown in plays, literature, movies, or awards, a step to success, takes determination. The only difference in determination is the effort you put in, to drive your goal and the “impossible and possible lies in a person’s determination.”