Essay Developing Sae

Submitted By photography1988
Words: 529
Pages: 3

Task 2: 10%
Emma Norris
Student Number: 17305682

Teachers must respect all learners for their own beliefs, religion and values but also their own personal linguistic diversities. Establishing a connection with the child from their home environment to the classroom will ensure that the Standard Australian English (SAE) guides are met while valuing their linguistic diversity.

By combining multiliteracies, language has many ways of conveying a meaning, you may use ‘written, spoken and visual’ Understanding language and language learning (Green, 2006). Making a connection with the child and what they already know and brining in the new.

There are four main levels of fostering SAE while valuing linguistic diversity; beginning level, developing level, functional level and the component level.

The beginning level needs to have ‘short, simple, formulacic structures. The teacher should accommodate the ‘development of both social and academic language’ First steps: Linking Assessment, Teaching and Learning (Annadale, 2003).

The developing level allows students to use the knowledge that they already have acquired. This level ‘describes students who develop over all understandings of SAE and experiment with newly acquired or learned knowledge using less formulaic and innovative language structures. It is important to have clear instructions and scaffolded oral and written language activities’ First Steps: Linking Assessment, Teaching and Learning (Annadale, 2003).

The functional level shows, students that have an understanding of SAE, ‘in a range of social and academic contexts’. At this level, structured language, the learning environment, challenges and explicit feedback’ First Steps: Linking Assessment: Teaching and Learning (Annadale, 2003) is essential for students.

Finally, the component level, ‘demonstrates greater control and independence in understandings and use of SAE in a wide range of social and learning contexts’. Linking Steps: Teaching and Learning (Annadale, 2003). This level focuses more on students who hold greater linguistic diversity. SAE are then able to adapt to changes, influenced by cultural linguistic diversity. SAE are then able to adapt to changes, influenced by cultural understanding’ First Steps: Linking Assessment, Teaching and Learning (Annadale, 2003). The teacher should focus on ‘shared decision making and appropriate, ongoing, systematic evaluation support students progress in the second language.’ First Steps: