Diabetes: The Chronic Care Mode (CCM)

Words: 767
Pages: 4

Diabetes is a major public health problem reaching epidemic proportion in the United States. Over the past 32 years, the number of adults with diagnosed diabetes in the United States nearly quadrupled, from 5.5 million to 21.3 million (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). If the current trend continues, as many as 1 out of every 3 adults in the United States could have diabetes by 2050 (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). Diabetes is a complex, chronic illness requiring intensive medical care with multifactorial risk-reduction strategies beyond glycemic control, blood pressure and lipids to reduce and prevent macrovascular and microvascular complications. For example, diabetes is the leading cause of diabetic retinopathy …show more content…
The general structure and processes for conducting SMAs have been established from concepts proven effective by the Chronic Care Mode (CCM). The CCM is an innovative framework design developed to deliver a comprehensive healthcare approach to improve chronic disease care in primary care. The aim of the CCM is to revolutionize the direction of the health care approach from an acute and reactive to proactive. The CCM promotes patient –centered philosophy to deliver a high quality of care to chronic disease patients including those with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The ambulatory care transformation used by the CCM interweaves six crucial elements for ensuring the delivery of care is not performed in isolation. The CCM design structure incorporates features of self-management and education support, team care and planned interactions, decision support utilizing the evidence –based guidelines , community resources and policies, delivery system design system for organization and goals; and clinical information technology for accessing patients data in a timely manner. Incorporating the CCM framework of primary care delivery demonstrates to be efficient in fortifying patient –provider collaboration and improve the biophysical outcomes of patients with T2DM. Furthermore, the CCM implementation in the chronic illness management reduces the costs of diabetes, increase the time spend with the provider, improve the health outcomes and patients and providers satisfaction (Coleman, Austin, Branch, & Wagner, 2009; Nutting et al., 2007; Parchman, Pugh, Wang, & Romero, 2007; Siminerio,