Dialectical Journal Chapter 5 Of Cherubim's '

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Pages: 1

In chapter five, the author starts by stating three possible ways to think about God. The first way is through outside, which is through vestiges of Him. This is the light of eternal truth. “Those who have become practiced in the first ways of contemplation have already entered the atrium before the Tabernacle” (pg 28). The second way is within, through his image. “Those who have become practiced in the second have entered into the sanctuary” (pg 28). Finally, the last way is above, through the light that shines upon our mind. “Those who are practiced in the third, enter with the High Priest into the Holy of Holies, where the two Cherubim of Glory stand over the Ark, overshadowing the Mercy- Seat.” (Pg 28). With theses Cherubim’s we