Dialectical Journal For The Great Gatsby

Words: 550
Pages: 3

1. What is your favorite quote from the novel? Explain its significance. “It is invariably saddening to look through new eyes at things upon which you have expended your own powers of adjustment” (Fitzgerald 104). In The Great Gatsby, readers observe Jay Gatsby’s dream of Daisy Fay slowly disintegrate as he tries to transform the past into reality. This quote demonstrates the sorrow that floods through Gatsby when he realizes he was wrong in his attempts to change what has already been done. Although they were in love five years ago, Jay Gatsby discerns the fact that he and Daisy can never be the same when she rejects the once-loved Gatsby for the rich and eager Tom. Gatsby needed to look at Daisy in a new light even though he had his mind set on them falling in love once again.

2. Is Nick the best choice for narrator? If so, what are your
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Gatsby relished many luxuries such as his expensive car, enormous house, and the innumerable parties that overflowed with people every weekend However, the ultimate goal of these indulgences was to lure his one true love, Daisy Fay, back into his company. This novel portrays Gatsby as he lives half of the American Dream; he indeed used his talents to benefit his economic standing. The readers are introduced to Meyer Wolfshiem and Dan Cody, the two who encouraged Gatsby to pursue his dreams and assisted him along the way. Nonetheless, his economic standing did not ensure his happiness, as his transition from rags to riches was compromised because Daisy had already moved on. She was looking for a man with old money, someone who had been used to being wealthy - entirely unlike Gatsby, who did everything in his power to impress her with his new money. Although some, similar to Gatsby, appear like they are living the American Dream, deep inside they are lost without that one thing money cannot buy