Did Pocahontas Really Do For John Smith?

Words: 461
Pages: 2

What did Pocahontas really do for John Smith? Did she have any reason to do what she did? Yes she did. The Virginia Company had come to the new world look for gold. This had to cause conflict between the Indians and the white settlers. Which meant her father, the chief, was going to kill John Smith. The Virginia Company moving into their land was sure to cause trouble. They took their land and murdered their people, so yes that would most likely cause a war, which Pocahontas did not want. So she saved him. She saved him because she just simply did not want him to die. Also she saved John Smith because an alliance was needed between the two peoples. So yes, Pocahontas did save John Smith’s life. Pocahontas did not want John Smith to die. Why would she? They had a pretty good relationship. They were friends. He believes she “… Risked her life… ” to save his own (Lewis). Why would she put herself in danger if she did not care about what happened to him? She would have just allowed him to meet his fate. Why let someone who took her people’s land live if she was not his friend. …show more content…
The Virginia Company had sailed to the new world in search for riches. In other words, gold. While doing so they had invaded the Native American’s land. This was not something to do in order to make a good first impression. In fact, it made the Native American’s angry. The settlers were pushy. So the chief, Powhatan, had wanted to kill John Smith as a punishment for how they were treated. But Pocahontas had stopped him. She had taken John Smith’s head into her arms and “…laid down her own upon it… “In order to save his life (Smith). She had saved him from death by putting herself in