Dido's Love With Aeneas Analysis

Words: 309
Pages: 2

From the passage, we see how Aeneas has successfully caused Dido to pity him by telling the story of the fall of Troy and tricked her into loving him. Dido describes Aeneas as “carrying her love away” implying that she did not intend or want to love him but by some action by him she falls in love with Aeneas. One way Aeneas steals Dido’s love involves Aeneas telling his story in a way that relates to Dido’s story of exile. He, like in Dido’s story, talks about his lost wife even though is not especially significant to the history of Troy. Additionally, The verb carry shows how the visitor Aeneas took something that did not belong to him. Before Aeneas arrived, Dido dedicated her love to her late husband. After Aeneas comes, she says