Dietary supplements Essay

Submitted By ashcip
Words: 628
Pages: 3

People wonder whether or not dietary supplements are good to improving our health, based on what they hear or may read. Just because you are eating healthy does not mean your getting efficient supplements within your body. There always needs to be a balance when consuming certain foods. Some supplements may be harmful if consumed too much but also may be harmful if not consumed efficiently. I do take vitamins time to time when I know I am not getting the efficient amount of supplements within my daily diet. Since I do not eat red meat and only eat chicken or fish every once in a while along with dairy, I do not obtain the sufficient amount of B12, which is found in most animal products and dairy products. I also take vitamin C whenever I feel like I am getting sick. My father actually takes a bunch of supplements such as Vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, carnitine, multivitamins, and Vitamin C and I have noticed he barely gets sick. I do not drink energy drinks because they make my heart race way too fast. There are some dietary supplements that are suppose to follow the FDA guidelines but are basically covered up as a dietary supplement, which includes ingredients within an energy drink. There are no warnings within these drinks to let others know that certain ingredients, which include guarana and taurine, have been connected with toxicity within younger people.
Vitamin B12 is used to assist in the healthiness of nerves, blood cells, and genetic material such as DNA. This supplement prevents anemia, which can make people feel very tired and fatigue. Depending on your age each person needs to obtain a certain amount of B12. For example infants should obtain .5 mcg of B12 while adults must obtain at least 2.4 mcg of B12. Anemia is formed by the lack of red blood cells, which provide oxygen throughout the tissues of our body. A special form of protein is needed that is formed by vitamin B12 within the stomach in order to produce the proper amount of red blood cells, which is needed. Too much of this supplement has yet to show harmful effect but has been tested on rats.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant also in the form of ascorbic acid that protects our cells from being damaged, prevents scurvy, produces the protein collagen which helps heal wounds, and helps enhance our immune system. Infants need at least 50 mg, adult males need at least 90 mg, and adult women need at least 75 mg of vitamin C. Too much of this supplement may cause a condition called hemochromatosis, diarrhea, and issue