Difference Between Education And Education

Submitted By adrianalacle
Words: 1628
Pages: 7

As a future educator, the immersion to other people and information of the educational field have been predominant and something that it is inevitable to notice is the unhappiness with the American schooling system some people in the field have. It is certain that as a future teacher there will be things the educational system does that will be thought to be inconvenient and of my dislike, but something that I will want to remember and make sure my colleagues remember is that education and schooling are two separate things. Humans beings have been educating themselves and others long before schools were created. Education can, then,be seen as related to a culture separate from schooling. “Facing culture will reveal something about education that will remain hidden if we fall for equating education with schooling” (Varenne, para. 1, 2008). Therefore looking at education different from schooling could bring about solutions that not even the best schooling in the world could present. If education is seen as closely related to culture “One must check how this is done where it is likely that human beings are under different forms of control then those we first think about” (Veranne, p. 3, 2008). In order to evaluate how education is done under “different controls” or totally distinct environment, anthropologists must conduct cross-cultural research on education and learn in depth how education is done in different cultures, in different cities,countries, schools in the same town, or even the classroom newt door. Anthropology can ,then, contribute to a reform in education. Most of the research of anthropology of education in the United States have bee done in the boundaries of American, specifically based on American schooling, but in order to bring about change in education, the focus should be on culture instead of on schooling. When it comes to looking at education separate from schooling I will give the example of my grandfather Andres Lacle who taught me what education was about even though he never went to school, but taught himself (with the help of anther adult) how to read a write. My grandfather had no schooling but he had education. Critical thinking was one of his biggest attributes. He was an analytical man. He thought beyond ordinary things andanalyzed why things were the way they were and postulated answers on his own. He appreciated that we were given an amazing brain to use and a body to work therefore anyone could do anything they made up their mind to. He recognized that not everyone had the same opportunities to succeed but that was not an excuse not to use our potential and be educated. For him education did include going to school, but not merely that, it meant overcoming obstacles, appreciating the ability to think and analyze that was so freely given to us, overcoming the limitations of society and/or our own culture has set for us regarding educations or succeeding in general, it also meant, continuing to grow even if a lot of goals have been accomplished, and remembering that a degree must be used a tool to do our part to transform society instead of using a an excuse to feel better than other people. This is what an 'illitarate” old man, who never went to school, thought about education. Educations can be seen in different perspectives, Veranne compares education with culturing, or in other words, as a factor that changes and transforms culture. Veranne argues that education could be thought as a phenomenon of “enculturalization” and claims that education brings about new “cultural forms” . He goes on to say that new cultural forms refers to the transformation of language, to the learning of new skills, that seems to be new at that specific time, for that specific people (Veranne,2008). This is why it was mentioned in the beginning the education is separate from schooling because education existed long time before schools did. Ancient apes made educational history. Apes for the first time in