Differences Between European And Native American Settlers

Words: 763
Pages: 4

“No culture can live, if it attempts to be exclusive” (Gandhi). The Native American religion and culture was never taken serious by the European settlers because Native Americans believed that non-human creatures created the world. Out of all the existing religions and cultures at the time, Christians thought the Natives beliefs were bizarre and they believed that their ways were right. The main reason why the Native Americans and the European settlers could not get along was because of how different their way of life and religion are. They were each convinced that the other group did not belong and they could not see past each other’s differences to co exist. European settlers believed that everything that existed came from their almighty lord and savior God and looked down upon the Natives since they believed in creatures and foolish stories. “White Americans did not understand the Native American ways of life” (Genesis 1). This is one of the most important reasons why Christians and Native Americans were not able to get along. The European settlers never took the time to go ahead and understand the Native Americans or their religion. “ White Americans believed that God had given the right to subdue the earth….” (Genesis 1). European settlers were egocentric and believed that that …show more content…
They believed that they had the power to take over the land because they were subdued to it and never took the time to see that they might have similar beliefs to the Native Americans. Although the Native Americans suffered and struggled they kept fighting but eventually Christianity beat them. They each believed that there could not be two different groups of people with different beliefs living on their land and failed to see that their most important beliefs were actually similar. Though they had major differences at the end of the day they were actually very