Differences Between Jefferson And Hamilton

Words: 650
Pages: 3

Since the formation of The United States there has been a division in politics. In early America, the division was categorized in two distinct political parties: The Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton, and the Democratic-Republicans, led by Thomas Jefferson. Both Hamilton and Jefferson are regarded as being two of the most influential political figures in American history- a direct result of their differences in political views. The differences between the two leaders are much more pronounced than their similarities; in fact, their own similarity is that both men were members of George Washington’s cabinet. Hamilton, a Federalist, believed in a strong central government, while Jefferson, a Democratic-Republican believed in the States’ rights. Important political and public policy differences between them are made apparent when considering economics, individual liberties and the interpretation of the Constitution, and government. In the 1790s, after the American Revolution, economic views differed greatly between Hamilton and Jefferson. The biggest argument between them became the nature of the American future. Alexander Hamilton believed that the economic backbone …show more content…
While Hamilton and the Federalists favored a high level of government control, Jefferson and the Democratic-Republicans opposed it. It for this reason these two men are known to have been great enemies who despised each other. However, their vastly differing views have made America what it is today- a country unlike any other. Where freedom reigns and citizens enjoy a certain level of peace and order; where the economy thrives on farming and small businesses, and also on industrialized goods; and where, as Thomas Jefferson once said, “"It is every Americans' right and obligation to read and interpret the Constitution for