Differences Between The Articles Of Confederation And The Constitution

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Pages: 3

The Articles of Confederation and the Constitution were two important documents that shaped America’s government. The articles of confederation were ratified in 1777 because of the separation from Britain. The Constitution was ratified in 1787 due to the failure of the articles of confederation. The articles were a weak document that was vague and did not set enough standards. There are strengths and weaknesses between the two documents. The Constitution was an improvement from the articles of confederation, it is a dynamic document that can be amended through the bill of rights to evolve with time. There are many differences between the two documents. The Articles of Confederation state that congress requests states to pay taxes. No outline of …show more content…
The Articles were debated over for sixteen months before they were ratified on March 1, 1781. Maryland was the last state to sign the Articles. The Constitution was established there were weak points in the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution outlined that congress has the right to levy taxes on individuals through income. It created a court system that deals with issues between citizens and states so that trials can be appealed. A regulation of trade between states. An executive branch headed by the president with checks and balances between judiciary branch and legislature is established by the Constitution. Regarding representation under the Constitution is 2/3 of both houses of congress plus ¾ of state legislature approval to amend the document, the states are represented with two votes in the senate and population based in the house of representatives, and to pass laws the president and a majority vote in both houses are required. Congress is permitted to raise an army through a draft and voluntary enlistment. The Constitution is the to be viewed as the supreme law of the land, no