Differences In The Outsiders Book And Movie

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Pages: 3

The Outsiders movie is thrilling and the book is heartbreaking.

They both have a lot and and they have the same town johnny and ponyboy went to.

Even though they have a lot the same things they have differences. Like the rumble the first to get hit was ponyboy not darry and it was the soc that said he would take anyone there was no little kids at the rumble and a little girl asked dally for money that was not in the book at all.

Similarities what do they have in common well...

They both are called outsiders, they both have the same characters, the same person dies in each one the book and the movie.

The book has three brothers darry sodapop ponyboy and the movie has the same characters in the movie there is a gang in the
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So Cherry muttered in a asking manner to Pony do you want to get popcorn and some pop Pony agreed ,and when they got into the popcorn & pop building there was a fight right there in front of them people that work there were yelling get out pushing and shoving finally got them out.

Cherry whispered that she hates fights and that she would do anything for a world at peace no more wars no more rumbles no more violence for anything. So no one would or could get hurt because of something completely different.

In the church scenes in the movie they were outside a lot more than the book

In the movie the boys (johnny and ponyboy ) were outside more than inside in the book they just kind of stayed inside a lot and barely went outside but in the movie almost every scene at the church there were outside talking without a are in the world.

So if you're still wondering what about this is the same read the book and watch the movie you’ll see. Also never give up on your dreams i feel like this is the true statement of it all and all never give up. Have fun live long and prosper with family and friends. Read the book then watch the movie it’s better that