Dilma Vana Rousseff Failure

Words: 450
Pages: 2

Even though Brazil's economy was going towards a crisis, over a 140 million Brazilian voters gave Dilma Vana Rousseff a second four year term in the presidential election in October 2014. She was first elected as president in October 2010 and became the first woman and 36th president to hold the office. In October 2014, Dilma received a total of 51.65% of the total votes and it was the closest presidential race since 1989. Dilma Rousseff's win came over as a result of Worker's Party (PT) and its allies making corrupt payments to other parties for a PT-led coalition majority in the congress.

As per my view, Dilma Rousseff hasn't been doing great as the President of Brazil. Here are few facts to support my opinion:

Rousseff's government failed