Diomedes In The Illiad

Words: 299
Pages: 2

Clement 1
Throughout the Illiad, there are many types of encounters, ranging from the friendlier types to pure blood-shed. The gobbit begins with the Greek hero Diomedes and the Trojan hero Glaucus meeting on the Trojan Battlefield, ready to engage in combat with one another. Previously in the Illiad, we are able to see the brave Agamemnon ordering King Menelaus to kill Adrestrus, the King of Argos. Contained in the gobbit, Diomedes begins to speak with Glaucus about his father and how he never truly knew him. Glaucus states that Diomedes’ grandfather was friends with his grandfather, and thus the honour of Xenos applies. As a result, they both drop their spears and refuse to fight one another. The two heroes trade armour; Diomedes giving Glaucus