Dionysus In Rudyard Kipling's The Mark Of The Beast

Words: 383
Pages: 2

Dionysus was the god of wine and some arts in Greek mythology (Dionysus). Dionysus had a group of followers that were called Maenads (Maenads). These Maenads took care of Dionysus as an infant and later took care of him during manhood (Maenads). He then transformed his followers into a group of deranged women (Maenads). Falling to their weaknesses, the Maenads failed at their goals of not having sexual relations and not drinking alcohol, and instead chose to revel in these vices (Maenads). Maenads root word means mad women, which is what these women truly were (Maenads). There are many stoires about the actions of the Maenads. In Rudyard Kipling’s novel The Mark of the Beast, his main character Fleete disgraces the temple of Hanuman by putting