Disagree With Saks 'Empathetic Quote In Sak'

Words: 289
Pages: 2

I agree with Saks’ thoughtful and empathetic quote “...how easily I could have been any of them. How easily I could have slipped beneath the waves and simply never come back up again”(Saks 103). Because unlike others, she had the opportunity of growing up with a loving and supporting family, who really helped her stay motivated and work hard to achieve her goals.
I agree with Saks’ thoughtful and empathetic quote “...how easily I could have been any of them. How easily I could have slipped beneath the waves and simply never come back up again”(Saks 103). Unlike the others, she came from a well-off family; having the advantage of detecting and seeking treatment for her mental illness early.
I agree with Saks’ thoughtful and empathetic quote