Discrimination and Equality Essay

Submitted By kianandlacey
Words: 947
Pages: 4

Promote Equality and inclusion in health, social care or children’s and young people’s setting.
1.1 Explain what is meant by:
Diversity means the differences between individuals and groups in society arising from gender, ethnic origins, social, cultural or religious background, family structure, disabilities, sexuality and appearance. Diversity isn’t just between two groups of people, but also between the individuals in the group.
Equality is ensuring that individuals have equal opportunities in order to make the most of their talents and lives, Equality is about no one having less opportunity or choice because of their beliefs, gender, race, sexuality orientation, background, family structure or disability, children should have equal opportunities to play and learn, They should be treated with equal concern and receive appropriate care in order to develop and progress. Equality does not mean that people will be treated the same, but they should be treated fairly.
Inclusion is about allowing everyone equal access to services and resources. Inclusion is about all learners and about taking action to remove barriers to participation and learning, inclusion also involves eliminating discrimination and promoting equality, in terms of children inclusive practise promotes a child’s right to access equal opportunities. The barriers mentioned can be either physical barriers or barriers relating to attitudes; inclusive practise values diversity and promotes equality

1.2 Describe the potential effects of discrimination.
Effects include possible exclusion, isolation, situations where self-esteem, confidence and resilience have the potential to be damaged. Demoralisation, In my setting we promote equal opportunity and we respect all the children and their families, we also help children with language needs where English is not their first language which helps the children to settle and adapt to our setting, (for example talking with parents to find words we can use reading and singing in their language)
Discrimination against any child regardless of their needs can make them feel isolated and different to other children, very often children with special needs have a difficult time trying to fit in with other children, all children can be unintentially cruel to one another and should be helped to understand that everybody is different and how this is good, for example in our setting we promote inclusion and we treat everybody the same and explain to the children ‘we are alike but different’.
There are four areas of potential for the effect discrimination has.
Physical- self-harming, attempting suicide, and cutting, etc. bullying might become physical and other types of abuse.
Emotional-emotional scars seem to run deep and are not healed easily could become to believe that prosecutors are right; leading to a loss of self-worth could lead to physical signs of trauma.
Social- lack of friends, social exclusion, no one to talk to about interests or plans for now or the future, being treated as though someone doesn’t belong could lead to more emotional harm, physical harm, intellectual harm etc.
Intellectual- not wanting to learn, withdrawing from places of learning not wanting to be around others in safe behaviours.

1.3 Explain how inclusive practise promotes equality and supports diversity.
Inclusive practise is known to be attitudes, approaches and strategies taken to make sure that others are not excluded from the learning environment because of their differences inclusive practise teaches children how to work together.
By using the principal that inclusion is a “right” for all children, early years settings can make sure that every child;
Feels strong and confident about their identity.
Is given the opportunity to communicate in their preferred format.
Has their individual needs known and met.
Feels safe and know they belong.
Is valued as a unique individual.
Has an equal