Discrimination In American Society In The 1930's

Words: 421
Pages: 2

Have we as a sociery progressed from the 1930’s? Yes we have progressed as a society. A lot of different laws have been enforced, people view one another differently, and jobs are open to all. In the 1930’s there was a lot of discrimintation, a lot of unfair laws, and unequal rights. People were valued differently just by the way they looked, or by the things they had. Bethlehem-Fairfield in the shipyards of Baltimore, Maryland, there was a drinking fountain labeled just “white”, and then beside it there was a fountain named “The Best Service for Colored Only”. Most of the white people hated the blacks. They tried to deminsh them, and make them stay in their own world. Today we do not have that problem. People don’t go to different water foutains just to drink because everyone is equal. Another example of how we have progressed is how females were looked down on. They came off as weak individuals that had no potential. They were kept out of the work force, and commonly tey ad jobs as nurses and cooks. It was hard to white females to get jobs, let alone a black female to get a job. 68% of …show more content…
There were many differences in society such as: different laws were enforced, discrimination to women, racism to people of color. As a society in today's day and age we have progressed a lot, but also on the level of being more accepting to one another. One major change is the further understanding that women should have the same rights as men do, women should be able to vote and choose the jobs as they please. In the present day this understanding of women, and how they were treated, view during those times. One other major societal change was the criminalization for innocent crimes. There are many differences from the 1930s to present day not only on societal progression but as a change with overall people, and how they treat one