Dishonesty In Young Goodman Brown

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Pages: 3

In “Young Goodman Brown” Nathaniel Hawthorne reveals the wicked Devil not as a physical person but as the human conscious of every individual to further his moralistic point of view through the dishonesty, greed, and diminishing religious beliefs of the characters. Nathaniel Hawthorne displays Goodman Brown and Faith’s dishonesty as an immoral value brought forth by the presence of the Devil in them. For example, while considering the importance of the meeting at hand, Hawthorne states, “of all the nights in the year, this one night must I tarry away from thee”(Hawthorne 31). Goodman Brown expresses the importance of his journey to his beloved wife, without telling her the information behind the meeting in the woods. In that time avoiding …show more content…
As an illustration, the Devil confesses the many souls that are involved in his corrupt community, “The deacons of many a church… the selectmen, of divers towns… and a majority of the Great and General Court are firm supporters of my interest. The Governor and I, too”(Hawthorne 32). All of the respectable men in Goodman Brown’s town turned out to be misleading everyone the whole time. Goodman Brown’s hunger for the truth about his wife’s sins has uncovered the sins of many more people. Brown’s obsession for the truth defies God’s expectations, while feeding the Devils corrupt ways. Moreover, Goodman Brown discovers the atrocious behavior he is committing, as Hawthorne writes, “being ready to...faint and overburdened with the heavy sickness of his heart”(Hawthorne 33). Brown is in shock of the horrific actions he has taken to find the truth of his wife. He has come from a very christian family, so the thought of delivering himself right to the hands of the Devil is unthinkable. While commending the actions of the Devil, Brown is furthering the concept of the immoral value of greed. Among the feelings of sorrow and hatred for himself and others, Goodman Brown exposes his greed developed by the Devil in his