Disproportionate Representation

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Pages: 7

Disproportionate Representation simply means that there is an under representation of a given group in the population. This can be characterized by racial and ethnic backgrounds but also can be defined from national origin, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender and English proficiency. In Special Education, disproportionate representation is defined when a particular group receives special education at a rate significantly higher or lower than would be excepted based on proportion of the general student population that group represents students. All children in school have the right to be eligible for special education and the services that come with it. First a child must be suspected of having a disability and then be tested in …show more content…
In the book, “Disproportionality in Education and Special Education: A Guide to Creating More Equitable Learning Environment,” it described a couple of important issues that were about disproportionate representation. One issue was explained as the success rate of that group. Basically meaning they would base the ability of the students off certain statistics and just put them in special education. Another one was the overrepresentation of certain ethnic groups in special education just because of certain statistics like where they were from. Areas mostly rural and urban were named. Another issue explains the fact that these students who are of African American, Latino and American Indian backgrounds get basically segregated from other groups of children when they are labeled with a …show more content…
“When teachers observe the behavior of students who are from a different cultural background, their own cultural background may bias their perceptions because standards and expectations regarding behavior are bound by culture. Given that the majority of teachers are Caucasian, cultural bias may disproportionately influence the referral rates of racial/ethnic minority students.” (Donovan & Cross, 2002). This statement from this journal is very essential. This is one of the reasons in why disproportionate representation in special education goes on. Teachers need to look at students with an unbiased eye because if they don’t this is when the under or over representation takes place. Teachers need to make sure that when they are teaching, they need to instruct every student not just some. All children learn differently and teachers need to be aware to differentiate their curriculum in order for all students to grasp it. Teachers need to understand all cultures in order to be the most efficient person. If they are not effect they aren’t doing their job right and that’s how students end up being placed and labeled