Diversity: Education and Concept Map Essay examples

Submitted By kmbrown88
Words: 626
Pages: 3

Final Examination-Diversity in Education

Directions: You will be mapping six concepts/ideas/theories from your textbook/the course offerings for Diversity in Education. These ideas should be personally and practically important to your future as an educator while considering the impact that you/they will have on ALL students in your classroom. The overall goal of this exam is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the ideas/concepts/terms and how they are connected as well as how you will apply them in your classroom.

The exam requires: a concept map of six ideas/concepts/theories a written explanation of your concept map which includes: six ideas/concepts/theories two to three (2-3) sentences that define each term (use chapter readings, discussions, and your own personal experiences) the connection of the term to one or more other terms (each term must be connected to at least one other one meaning you should have ‘connectors’ from each term to at least one other not only in terms of the diagram but in terms of your written application as well) please CAPITALIZE the term you are describing in your written explanation

You will choose six ideas/concepts/theories from the following list:

a) communication
b) gender differences
c) ethnic groups
d) poverty
e) teacher expectations
f) second-language acquisition
g) impact of the family
h) demographics
i) learning climate
j) differentiated classroom
k) learning styles
l) classroom management

Provided is an example which you may use to understand what is expected on this final exam. Keep in mind that you will be choosing terms from the list above and you will be using a minimum of SIX terms to create your web.

I perceive the center of my classroom to be constructivist. Constructivist teaching is when students use received information to construct knowledge and give meaning to the information. The main goal of this teaching style is to allow students the opportunity to construct an interpretation of how and why things are by filtering new ideas and experiences through existing knowledge structures or schemas. Other key features of this instructional model include: the teacher as model, varying viewpoints, learning tasks that are meaningful and realistic and using primary sources and manipulatives. This type of teaching requires the teacher to be creative and implement a variety of methods for instruction. One key reason that I perceive constructivism to be the center of my classroom