Divine Nobility In Beowulf

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Pages: 3

As one looks back in time, novels have opened minds of many people. It causes people to travel to a place beyond the physical world, where every word imprisons them in suspense and urges them to read on. When one takes the journey to this dream world, in their mind, they often replace themselves with the Hero's position. Why is this? As humans we all want one thing or another in this life, yet it all boils down to greatness. Now what does greatness mean, it is simply the quality of being great. Oxford defines great as, "Of ability, quality, or eminence considerably above the normal or average." Most people want to be above average. So how exactly does one achieve this greatness? In order to become great one must study the heroes of the past in order to understand their tragic flaws, their divine nobility, and their …show more content…
One example of this in literature is in the early written novel Beowulf. The main character, Beowulf, exhibits nobility in his treatment of Unferth after defeating Grendel's mother. Despite Unferth's inconsiderate treatment of Beowulf upon his arrival at Heorot, Beowulf acknowledges Unferth's willingness to lend him Hrunting before his battle with Grendel's mother. When he returns the sword to Unferth, he "Blade Unferth take the sword and thanked him for lending it. He said he had found it a friend in battle and a powerful help; he put no blame on the blade's cutting edge. He was a considerate man." (lines 1808-1812). Had Beowulf not been noble, he would not have been so gracious and modest when he returned the sword to Unferth and probably would've said something along the lines of, "Thanks for the piece of junk, it did nothing." This example shows us that when a humbling event of God happens, be calm and collective. This does not, by any means, mean lie; just to be noble and speak kindly with wise words. The lesson here is, be a noble