Dna and Dna’s Structure Essay

Submitted By katrecious
Words: 826
Pages: 4

Unit 3 Growth & Heredity Midterm Exam Review & Study Guide


Review/Use the following:
Vocab lists, ISN Pages, Practice Questions, Lectures, Book Chapters 12

1. What role did Rosalyn Franklin play in our understanding of DNA’s structure?
2. What role did James Watson & Francis Crick play in our understanding of DNA’s structure?
3. What type of macromolecular is DNA?
4. What are the monomers of DNA?
5. What is the structure of a nucleotide? Draw It.
6. Which nucleotides are used to build DNA?
7. Which nucleotides are used to build RNA?
8. What is a purine? How many rings do purines have?
9. What is a pyrimidine? How many rings do pyrimidines have?
10. How is DNA different from RNA (strands, sugars, base pairs, location)?
11. What is the structure of a DNA molecule? a. What forms the backbone of the DNA molecule? b. What kind of bonds occur between the 3' OH on the 3’ C of one nucleotide and the phosphate of the next? b. What forms the “steps of the ladder”? c. What kind of bonds hold the nitrogen bases together? d. What is meant by anti-parallel strands?
12. What is Chargaff’s rule (what binds with what?)
13. How does DNA fold into a chromosome? (the 6 steps)
14. What is a nucleosome?
15. What are histones?
16. What is the difference between chromatin and chromosomes? When do cells use these different forms?
1. What is the difference between REPLICATION, TRANSCRIPTION, and TRANSLATION?
Where does each process take place in the cell?
2. Define semi-conservative replication.
3. How is DNA read and made? From what end to what end?
4. What is the job of these enzymes: DNA polymerase? Helicase? Primase? Ligase?
5. What are the 3 kinds of RNA? What roles do each play in making proteins?
6. What molecule is read and what molecule is made in transcription?
7. What is a promoter?
8. What are introns? Exons?
9. What molecule is read and what molecule is made in translation?
10. What is the job of RNA polymerase?
11 . What is a codon? An anticodon?
-Be able to use an codon table to determine the amino acid sequence if given an mRNA message.-
12. What happens in TRANSLATION? How do the 3 kinds of RNA work together to complete this process?
13. What are the monomers of proteins? What bond holds the monomers of a protein together?
14. What is the structure of an amino acid? Draw It.
15. What is the significance of the start and stop codons? How many of each?

Unit 3 Growth & Heredity Midterm Exam Review & Study Guide


Review/Use the following:
Vocab lists, ISN Pages, Practice Questions, Lectures, Book Chapters 12

1. What role did Rosalyn Franklin play in our understanding of DNA’s structure?
2. What role did James Watson & Francis Crick play in our understanding of DNA’s structure?
3. What type of macromolecular is DNA?
4. What are the monomers of DNA?
5. What is the structure of a nucleotide? Draw It.
6. Which nucleotides are used to build DNA?
7. Which nucleotides are used to build RNA?
8. What is a purine? How many rings do purines have?
9. What is a pyrimidine? How many rings do pyrimidines have?
10. How is DNA