Do You Think More Money Should Be Spent On Education Rather Than Prison

Submitted By sweatlobster
Words: 487
Pages: 2

1. Are you happy with the prison system in the United States?
2. Do you think more money should be spent on education rather than prison? 3. The food in public schools is the same grade and quality as the food in prisons, does this surprise you?
4. Guantanamo Bay prisoners, many of which are terrorists, have better healthcare than most Americans. Do you think this is fair?
5. Do you agree with the statement, “The prison system in the U.S. does a good job at helping prisoners become law abiding citizens?”
6. Do you support alternative penalties other than prison for non-violent criminal offenders?

There are many crime prevention alternatives that are more efficient, humane, fair and effective than imprisonment. Such alternatives include counseling, drug rehabilitation, education, job training and victim restitution.

7. “60% of people released from prison commit a crime after being released.” Does this show that the prison system is overall successful or unsuccessful? 8. Would you be willing to accept less state spending on healthcare or education to pay for prison spending? 9. Would you rather be homeless for one year or would you rather be living in a prison for one year? 10. What should be the most important element of a prison? Keeping the person locked up temporarily or keeping the person locked up and allowing the person to have a new life once outside of the prison? 11. Do you believe we should reserve prison for serious offenders and place lesser offenders in community corrections?

Virginia assesses felony theft, fraud, and drug offenders who would otherwise be sentenced to prison under the state's sentencing guidelines, and sends those deemed low-risk into community corrections. This saves Virginia thousands of dollars. 12. Do you think