Dodea Case Study

Words: 457
Pages: 2


I hope that each of you are having a terrific Tuesday thus far.

Attached are several asset evaluation worksheets that DoDEA have shared to obtain an audit perspective thoughts on the documents.

Below are a few comments documented thus far, but, we would like to obtain your thoughts on the items as well. More specifically, we were concerned about the FOUO labeling requirement as details such as the, RPUID, and RPSUID, are presented together on a document that will be provided to an auditor in the future. May you provide your thoughts on the KSDs, and any guidance regarding the FOUO requirements?

• KSD highlights the, Placed in Service Date, Facility Number, RPUID, RPSUID, FAC Code, RPA Type Code, Size Quantity, PRV, Description, Geo Coordinates, and Date of the
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• For the PRV calculation, the KSD state the following, "The Plant Replacement Value is calculated according to the DoD Facility Pricing Guide using Agency allocated square feet." OUSD recommend that DoDEA include the pricing guide version used to calculate the value as there was a finding identified for using the wrong pricing guide during the examination.
• The, RPI Split Use Summary, section will be confusing to individuals not familiar with DoDEA's reconciliation process. OUSD recommend that DoDEA include a blurb explaining that the size quantity differences, between the services and the agency, are due to an ongoing quarterly reconciliation process, and the agency decided to use their assessed size quantity to calculate the PRV.
• Per the building KSD pictures provided, OUSD could confirm that three of the five Ryuku Middle School buildings exist. Buildings, 1985 and 1986, did not have placards with the building number identified. OUSD recommend that DoDEA determine a way to highlight the facility number attached to the