Doe Deere Research Paper

Words: 505
Pages: 3

Doe Deere has a very unique outlook on beauty and life. Doe Deere is also a very strong woman. She sticks to her personal beliefs in the face of opposition. The Lime Crime founder and CEO recently shared her view on beauty in a very revealing article. Her view on beauty is very unique. Certainly, this is very apparent in the vivid and sensuous line of makeup that Lime Crime produces. The fact is that Doe Deere has always been very vocal about the fashion world and beauty world. Finally, she reveals her top fashion and beauty rules to break to the world.

Breaking Traditional Rules
Doe Deere revealed that breaking traditional rules is very empowering for the individual. Breaking rules gives one a feeling of inner strength and builds self confidence in one's ability to make good decisions. Doe Deere is the new face of beauty and shares a few of her top rules to break on a regular
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The fact is that Doe Deere started out like any ordinary girl. She was born in Russia and raised in New York City. She was always fascinated by colors, beauty, makeup, and fashion. Doe Deere was surprised by the lack of vivid and vibrant colors in the cosmetic world. She decided to start her own cosmetic line featuring colors that were unique and fun. Lime Crime was created back in 2008 out of that desire.

Doe Deere is a true inspiration to young women with dreams of their own. Doe Deere strongly believes in following your dreams and never giving up on that dream. Doe Deere started out small and quickly became a sensation online. She enlisted her love for crazy colors and vibrant blends to build a name for herself. Thousands started viewing her Lime Crime makeup site. She soon realized that her crazy colors in lipstick, nail polish, and eye shadiwm were catching fire online. Doe Deere is the perfect example of a true entrepreneur that followed her dream and built a successful cosmetic