Domestic Violence Rhetorical Analysis

Words: 499
Pages: 2

Domestic Violence Victims
We constantly hear about those who are domestic violence victims, however, many times we don’t realize we may know someone who is a victim. Leslie Morgan Steiner reveals domestic violence most commonly occurs in women between the ages 16-24 and are times more likely to be victims. The speaker reveals gender, race, economic status, or religion are not factors in the statistics of victims, meaning that anybody can be a victim of domestic violence. This issue continues to spread across the world, touching many men and women, therefore it is important to discuss domestic violence due to the 500 killed people solely in the United States that are killed due to being in an abusive relationship. A commonly asked question is why don’t the victims leave the abuser and the speaker reveals is simply due to the fact that it becomes more dangerous for the victims once the relationship is over which can lead to stalking, threatening, and in the worst scenario death. The speaker also shares her story of domestic violence and reveals she did not know she was being abused as well as believing she was the only one who could help him. This shows that often times women feel that it will end or some victims believe it is their fault which can be due to manipulation and make the victim
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Raising awareness about this topic is important because understanding the signs of an abusive relationship and knowing how to handle the situation is very important due to a number of people being affected by this form of abuse. Many people often believe it is their own fault for not leaving, however, people often do not consider the danger people can be in if they leave especially when children are involved. Domestic violence victims such as the speaker can help in important ways to help share their stories and reduce the number of victims and show them they are not