Don T Blame The Eater Analysis

Words: 1810
Pages: 8

Jasmine Dominguez
Mon/Wed 11am-12:50pm
November 09, 2015

“Don’t blame the eater” Have you ever thought about suing a fast food restaurant because of how unhealthy it’s making your body? Well in his essay “Don’t blame the eater” David Zinczenko talks about children that are trying to sue McDonalds for making them fat. He begins with an idea that blaming the eater for being fat is nearly as ridiculous as blaming Porsche for speeding tickets. However, he quickly moves to blaming an eater to his own personal experience of growing up stating that as a latchkey kid of the 1980’s his only choices for lunch and dinner were places like Pizza Hut and McDonald’s. Growing up with divorced parents and a mother who worked long hours, Zinczenko was left
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We drive down our highways and boulevards and all we see are many different types of fast food places. I remember growing up my mom will always cook for us. When we were out of school and would get home there was always a meal for my siblings and myself on the table, and it was always healthy. But as we grew up we found it easier to just walk to McDonalds or Burger King since it was faster to get the meal and eat it. I think I started to gain weight when I stopped eating at home and started eating out more. Not once did it cross my mind to sue the fast food restaurants because I knew that I would always go buy food by choice. As a full time student and mother it puts a lot of responsibility on me. It makes me want to go out and buy fast food all the time just because it’s very convenient, but I also think about all the cons. For example I have to think about all that money wasted on fast food weekly that I can save up and easily drive to a grocery store and buy food that can last me a whole week for meals to prepare. I find it more successful when I cook at night and have lunch ready for my boyfriend for work the next day and food for my daughter to eat. I can also understand that food is getting more expensive specially meats. It makes it a lot harder on people to go buy food. Us individuals we have to look at the sales that each store is giving and compare prices with all the stores. I know that is faster just driving …show more content…
Many people blame fast food restaurants because of their weight gain, but are fast food restaurants really to be at fault because an individual doesn’t know how to control their eating? David Zinczenko says” But most of the teenagers who live, as I once did, on a fast-food diet won’t turn their lives around. They’ve crossed under the golden arches to a likely fate lifetime obesity.” Obesity comes from inactivity or medical conditions/genetics. By being lazy and not exercising, fat accumulates in your system and your size increases. Yes, the fast food establishment didn’t tell you to take a jog after you ate that burger, but is this their responsibility? It is up to an individual to maintain a healthy living and watch their body. So now people are going to sue the gym to for not helping them lose their fat. Obesity can also be caused by a combination of fast food and the environment people live in today. Many Americans eat out every day. Making a plan to cut down and prepare a meal or two at home and see how it goes. Planning ahead is the key here. It may take a little time but if you do it one day at a time, you will eventually get used to it. Also in most fast food restaurants there is a kids menu. These items are significantly smaller and sometimes provide healthy stuff such as fruits and juice boxes instead of soda. Obviously the kids menu is much less calories than normal menu items and should be