Donald Trump's Argumentative Analysis

Words: 1072
Pages: 5

This has become such a heated topic lately that we have now been hearing about it in the presidential race. Some of the republican presidential contenders were asked about this theory during the last republican debate. Donald Trump believes that autism is an epidemic and that in the past the numbers of children with autism aren’t anywhere near what they are now. He talked about a child that he knew who went to have a vaccine and a week later got very sick and is now autistic. He says that he is in favor of vaccines, but that he wants smaller doses over a longer period of time. Ben Carson also weighed in saying that there is very well-documented proof that autism is not associated with vaccinations, but believes that we are probably giving …show more content…
The Center for Disease Control gives various warnings to parents who are deciding whether or whether not vaccinate. Among these warnings is the fact that any vaccine-preventable disease can strike at any time because these diseases still exist in the United States and other parts of the world. They tell us that the possible diseases that could be circulating anywhere in the United States include whopping cough, chickenpox, Hib which is the cause of meningitis, and influenza and that these can range anywhere from mild to life-threatening and there is no way is no way to tell beforehand whether a child will get a mild or a serious case. In some cases, a single case can cause a concern for an entire community. (If You Choose Not to Vaccinate Your Child, Understand the Risks and Responsibilities, …show more content…
Some think that this is common knowledge, but it is surprising how little some people know and understand. There are many potential ways to get this information out there to the public. All 50 states require certain vaccinations for entry into public schools so that is a good start. The government could run commercials and PSA’s about the importance of vaccinations. Even just getting out and talking to people helps. Another way to help with this is making them constantly available for everyone. Health care providers can also greatly help with mitigation