Essay on Dove's Beauty Campaign

Words: 1177
Pages: 5

Hollis Hitchens
Mr. Saye
English 102
10 March 2011

The Dictionary defines the word Beauty as “A beautiful person, especially a woman.” Nowhere in that definition does it suggest the woman is a size 0 with big breasts, flawless skin and high cheekbones. This is the message Dove is trying to send by creating “Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty”, to make women of all shapes, sizes, and color feel beautiful everyday. However, shortly after Dove released their first campaign, media columnists such as Richard Roeper and Lucio Guerrero were quick to reflect their “professional” opinions. After reviewing Jennifer L. Pozner’s article on Dove’s “Real Beauty” Backlash and the naïve comments these active media members have made, I found through
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“Eighty one percent of the women in the United States strongly agree that the media and advertising set an unrealistic standard of beauty that most women can’t achieve.” (Falcione and Henderson, Case Study).
The purpose of this case study was to educate the reader on how in depth Dove will go to boost self-confidence in women across the world, they want to correct the media’s physical definition of beauty. When they did venture across the world, they discovered that it is not only American women who feel constantly compared to an unobtainable standard. “When it comes to body image and weight, women from all countries proved to be unsatisfied with themselves. Fifty nine percent of Japanese women stated they were unhappy with their body image and/or weight. Brazil women came in second with thirty seven percent; United Kingdom is tied with the United States women with thirty six percent being unsatisfied, next Argentina women with twenty seven percent, and lastly Netherlands with twenty five percent of the women unhappy with their appearance. From all countries, cultures, ages, ethnicities and races, the women felt that there is a slim definition of beauty. Specifically with today’s society, women acknowledged how they feel more pressured from the beauty standards set by the present day mass media.” (Falcione and Henderson, Case