Dr Balchuniss Analysis

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My opposition research was on one of Dr. Balchunis Democratic opponent name Lindy Li. On an article on fa-mag.com by Christopher Robbins, Li is quoted in saying “I want to breathe life into American promise, I’m a first-generation immigrant and I don’t take a single day here for granted,” Li says. “I understand how blessed I am, at the same time I am very aware of problems that need to be fixed” (Robbins). Li was also asked about departure from Morgan Stanley and her comment was “They did everything they could to recruit me and make it enticing to work at Morgan Stanley,” Li says. “Here I am a few months in and I’m leaving. It’s difficult to navigate that, this is quite a unique transition.” (Robbins). If Li gets elected, should would by far be the youngest Congress member in United States history at age 24. She would also be the first female …show more content…
Balchunis. The article has Dr. Balchunis response on what separates her from Li, as she states “There are not serious contrasts to be drawn on our positions,” Balchunis says. “Our distinctions are primarily in real-world experience, where I’ve spent most of my 25-year career teaching young people at LaSalle University, and Lindy has spent the majority of her adult life learning as a college student” (Robbins). Dr. Balchunis also goes into detail about the lack of female members of Congress when she says “In fact, less than 17 percent of the Congress is made up of women,” Balchunis says. “Once a governing body is established as male-dominated, it becomes self-perpetuating, as incumbents are very difficult to unseat. The evidence shows that when women serve in Congress more legislation is passed benefitting women, children and families.” (Robbins). Both Li and Balchunis have similar experience, but the major difference is experience. The experience is in favor of Dr. Balchunis. The article on fa-mag.com gives a great in-depth look at the background of both Democratic