Dr. Bennis Essay

Submitted By razor-catz
Words: 608
Pages: 3


La Verne, California

Knowing Yourself

A Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for
BUS 586: Leadership for the Future

Brittney Braddock

College of Business and Public Management

Department of Leadership and Management

January 24, 2015

Dr. Warren Bennis' book, On Becoming a Leader, is a great book about leadership and does a great job defining how leaders are developed. Dr. Bennis states knowing thyself then, means separating who you are and who you want to be from what the world thinks you are and wants you to be (Bennis, 2009, p.5). Knowing yourself was an amazing chapter and forced me to reflect on how I progressed and matured over the years. The process of knowing your self doesn’t begin at the same time for everyone, but when it begins it helps you have a stronger sense of self. Throughout my life I have climbed many mountains, some of which I wasn’t prepared for. I am aware that everyone climbs mountains, hills, and faces obstacles in their lives, I believe the success of the battles I have won have built a great foundation upon which I can succeed and become a great leader. It was in those moments when I thought I had nothing left that I learned when you make it through one trail it becomes easier the next time around, forcing you to grow and evolve. Having a child at 19 was the beginning stages of getting to know myself. I was forced to grow up and become a mother. I would not accept mediocrity as my destined end so I begin to find who I was and strive to become better. Being a young parent is not easy by any means, but thriving through the chaos and succeeding is one of the most gratifying moments in my life.
As I look back I now understand the trials that I have faced have allowed me to have a strong footing in any situation. As a child I was always told, “you can do or be anything you want to be”. It was a great principle but I lacked the understanding to believe that it could apply to me. I have learned to paralyze my fears and transformed them into determination and it is that determination that drives me to become better.
I discovered that I have the skills of a conductor of a musical. Although I may not have all of the